100mm wide coat hanger style film die with fine gap adjustment and adjustable concave/convex flexible upper lip. Made from hard anodised heat-treatable aluminium tool steel.
The Film Die can be mounted horizontal or 30 degrees downwards using angle adaptor block.
1/ TO ADJUST GAP Slightly loosen the side plates and Thickness Plate screws, then relieve the Fine Adjustment Screw tension in the Upper Lip adjustment To ensure that the Thickness Plate is parrallel and square to the Die Body use feeler gauges to set the gap in the positions shown in product brochure. Check the extrusion gap thickness with feeler gauge 2/ FINE ADJUSTMENT Using a 5mm alen key adust the upper lip Do not adjust the Upper Lip more than 0.5mm in each direction (1/2 Turn = 0.5mm) Turning the screws anticlockwise will lower the lip (reducing gap), Clockwise will raise the lip